Basics of the content delivery network (CDN)
CDN network covers a number of services that deliver content to end-users, such as phone content, web pages, videos, and images. This makes it a vital part of any application, web page, and internet business.
What is CDN?
CDN is a platform that is responsible for content distribution worldwide. Several servers within the platform are assigned from the server of origin and the information requested by users. They are placed in different geographical areas to minimize latency between the website and the user in need of information. Physical distance is reduced while it increases speed and performance.
How does CDN work?
A content delivery network replicates data or stores cache versions of its content in various locations, such as PoPs or points of presence. Replication can be proactive or passive. With proactive, before the information is requested, it is copied to servers in different areas. With passive replication, the content is cached to a server only after the user consumes it. It’s an efficient way of accessing content, unlike the traditional way storage happened on one central server that catered to everyone.
Optimization of servers is also done based on the type of content available. This ensures the end-user receives it with ease. Some companies such as media and communication and e-commerce benefit from CDN network. They pay the network operators to distribute content to interested parties.
What are the pros and cons of CDN?
The high speed of content delivery is key. Its servers are spread widely hence shortening the distance between a visitor and the site. A positive user experience is established when they don’t have to wait for long for any content. It saves time, and the pages receive good website analysis and search engine rankings.
Static content like images is copied and distributed to the closest server. This reduces the requirements needed for your bandwidth. The server load is lowered significantly. Many web users visit a website at a time, and using a single server might result in clogging. CDN redirects the users to servers closer to home to reduce and manage the traffic.
Content distribution network offers enhanced security. Data is protected from hacking and breaches. It has a developed strategy that mitigates the possibility of attacks and also uses the SSL/TLS encryption method for protection.
CDN services are costly, and some people can’t afford them. Big companies or multinational corporations are the biggest beneficiaries. Small organizations find it hard to acquire these services as it strains their finances. Few content delivery networks are free like CloudFlare, but most have to be paid monthly depending on your site’s users and resources.
Companies using CDN networks have servers in many countries or regions. The world has so many countries, and the servers may not be in yours. This is a significant disadvantage as it takes longer for the webpages to load due to the failed geolocation.
What are the benefits of using a CDN for SEO?
When a business optimizes its website for SEO, it increases its online visibility. Most companies aim to get to the top of the search engine; hence they use CDN network.
A website needs to provide users with top-notch experience once they google or search for any information. The content delivery network has a great impact on optimizing page speed and its search ranking. It reduces latency and minimizes packet loss.
CDN manages duplicate content on the websites by using canonical headers and cache algorithms. Duplicated content on different sites is punishable by Google and affects the SEO of your web page. By combating this, your site’s SEO is enhanced. Web crashes and DDoS attacks are prevented when there is too much traffic. The crashes directly affect the users, making them opt for other better websites and put you at risk of losing your ranking.
What are the negative impacts of using CDN for SEO?
If the CDN is not properly configured, it may cause you to lack opportunities of having Search Engine Optimized images. The website’s images are located in another web server, and this takes away Google’s trust from the page and gives it to another site.